Marine Shipping specialises in the transportation of heavylift and project cargoes and is closely related to major charterers, shipping and forwarding companies throughout the world. Please contact Susanne for your transport needs or for your S&P enquiries.


Susanne Dreyer

Managing Director of Marine Shipping


Phone +41 56 618 6902

Mobile +41 78 795 2041

Christine Richter is a PR Consultant and journallist freelancer since 2013 specialized in English and Spanish philology. A wealth of Public Relations experience - that's what Christine brings along. She is an expert in praxis and theory. Since 14 years she practises PR for various clients. Please feel free to contact Christine for further assistance.


Christine Richter

Konfetti Kommunikation


Phone +49 221 99 89 99 45

Mobil +49 172 41 88 41 0


Nina Südbeck is a freelance graphic designer whom has her own graphic design agency since 2006. More than 20 years of working experience and the passion for style, design and of all loving attention to details is what she stand for. Please feel free to contact Nina for further assistance.


Nina Südbeck

Managing Director of Designbar


Mobil +49 177 6548852